Postmaster 2000
Postmaster 2000 Version 4 is the ultimate tool for producing INFOR FMS 4.0/3.0, SSAGT FM2.0 and Masterpiece/Net External Feed files – including journals, budgets, assets, vendors etc. This major new version of our established Postmaster product represents a revolution in both features and technology.

Postmaster 2000 – Support
All technical support issues should be submitted from the Postmaster 2000 Technical Support feature (On the help menu – Email Technical Support). You should ensure you are on the latest version prior to logging a support call.
Please attach any spreadsheets and data files relevant to the issue.
ChartGen 2003
ChartGen 2003 is the latest version / upgrade to Myers Holum’s long-running ChartGen product for designing Chart of Account and building and maintaining the Masterpiece/Net Account Processing Tables (APTs).
ChartGen 2003 is a revolutionary improvement on ChartGen 2000. Utilising the same technologies as Solvent Green’s widely used Postmaster 2000 product ChartGen 2003 now runs as part of Microsoft Excel.